3 Day Boot Camp – Day 2 of 3

Supervisory Skills Training Presentation - Day 2 of 3Supervisory Skills Training Presentation – Day 2 of 3: Case Study, Live Modeling and Skills Practice

Engage in difficult conversations with greater confidence by honing your scripting skills.

Supervisory Skills Training CASE STUDY:  “Can I just hire you to come in and say it?” Build your reputation for knowing just what to say when the stakes are high.

The scripting model – manage all three key steps to influence your employees, your boss, your customers, your peers – perhaps even your family members. This focus on scripting is an essential component of the supervisory skills training presentation.

Prepare for the really difficult conversations by using one simple tool:  The Behaviors/Characteristics Worksheet. Use it to gain an edge when others seem so talented at delivering excuses.

Supervisory Skills Training LIVE MODELING:  Seven common games and how to handle them including: “Yes, but…”, “I’ll try…”, and The Crying Game. Winning these games stops manipulative behavior right in its tracks.

Supervisory Skills Training SKILLS PRACTICE:  Dance gracefully in all four corners of the “dialogue box” as well as smack in the middle of it.

Supervisory Skills Training Presentation – Day 2 of 3: Case Study, Assessment and Group Based Coaching

Increase workplace motivation by organizing your understanding of it alphabetically – it’s a great way to remember the impact of influence from two directions: the organization and other people. Workplace motivation is at the core of this supervisory skills training presentation.

Supervisory Skills Training CASE STUDY:  “People won’t come downtown to work where they have to pay for parking.” Believe it or not – this is what some managers said as their organization’s motivation spiraled downward. Then, discover how you can spiral motivation upwards by using the best practices of another business in similar circumstances.

Supervisory Skills Training ASSESSMENT:  Learn your personality style and how to leverage your strengths when leading your team.

Four quadrants of personality – be ready to identify what your people need from each quadrant for greater motivation and engagement.

Supervisory Skills Training GROUP BASED COACHING:  If you really can’t motivate another person, what can you practically do to create the environment where they choose to be engaged?


Supervisory Skills Training Presentation – Day 2 of 3: Live Modeling, Team Trivia and Case Study

Courage! That’s just one of the things that it takes to demonstrate the skill of formal disciplining. Learn when to do it and how to do it legally, ethically and by giving the employee a reasonable chance to choose to perform.

9 Reasons that many managers just don’t discipline employees when they should. Is one of these yours? Lean into the yoke of leadership with greater strength by eliminating behaviors that derail other managers.

Supervisory Skills Training LIVE MODELING:  Bad, better and best ways to deliver a disciplinary action session.

Supervisory Skills Training TEAM TRIVIA:  It’s going to take at least two things to win – team participation (lone rangers are disdained) and leadership knowledge. The knowledge you can pick up during the boot camp.

Supervisory Skills Training CASE STUDY:  “What the protégé learned about action verbs.” Employ them – or be perceived as passive. Make sure your reputation is that of being the active, go-to person in the business.

Supervisory Skills Training Presentation – Day 2 of 3: Assessment and Documentation Practice

Become a better written communicator by leveraging 9 tips to move your documentation forward and manage readability.

Supervisory Skills Training ASSESSMENT:  Jargon, redundancy and clarity – deliver what the reader needs. And, improve your messaging in the process.

Supervisory Skills Training DOCUMENTATION PRACTICE:  Can you reduce it to written form? Yes, reduce it. It doesn’t sound right to concise it but that’s what you’ll learn to do.

Supervisory Skills Training Presentation – Day 2 of 3: Case Study and Skills Practice

Supervisory Skills Training CASE STUDY:  “This is better than a fortune cookie!” See what one organization did to turn motivation around when the ranks of the disgruntled got too large.

You know this: employee behavior is typically a function of its consequences. Be sure you know how to manage all three types of consequences to get winning performance.

Supervisory Skills Training SKILLS PRACTICE: “Catch ‘em doing things right.” Does this really increase morale and productivity? Yes, if done right. Skills practice is simply a powerful ingredient of this supervisory skills training presentation that is part of the recipe for success.

3 Day Boot Camp | 9 “Must-Have” Skills for Supervisors and Team Leaders™

Learning Objectives | Sequential Outline: Day 1 of 3 | Day 2 of 3 | Day 3 of 3 | 321 Comparison Brochure (PDF) | Logistics
