3 Day Boot Camp – Learning Objectives

Learning Objectives

Supervisory Skills Training: Overview

This is our most intensive supervisory skills training. The 3 Day Boot Camp enables learners to maximize practice. This supervisory skills training drills deep into all nine of the “must-have” skills for supervisors and team leaders.

In this supervisory skills training, nine global learning objectives are examined over the course of the three days. Typically each day of the supervisory skills training runs for about six and a half hours. An excellent option is to hold this event off-site. If so, we recommend that organizations schedule some light social time after hours so that participants can further digest lessons learned from the day.

During the supervisory skills training we introduce a talent development approach called Group Based Coaching. For some participants an optional use of after-hours time is to continue learning via this approach.

Supervisory Skills Training: Results | Clarity | Decisions

  • Improve performance results by pinpointing and honing nine critical leadership skills that go well beyond the technical work skills that have contributed to your current success.
  • Coaching, disciplining and scripting - three of the "must-have" skills: Become crystal clear about how they are different and how to leverage each one to increase your effectiveness as a manager.
  • Capitalize on the "four buckets" of non-performance to make more crisp decisions about what to do with people who just aren't cutting the mustard.

Supervisory Skills Training: Confidence | Strength | Engagement

  • Engage in difficult conversations with greater confidence.
  • Stop doing the work that employees really should be doing! Instead, strengthen three skills that you must be doing - planning the work, delegating and measuring work.
  • Capture seven proven essentials for engaging and energizing employees.

Supervisory Skills Training: Documentation | Candor | Talent

  • Practice and strengthen your ability to document difficult performance situations so that your written results are concise, factual and legally defensible.
  • Refine the usage of candor - without being heavy handed - as an approach for increasing individual performance and overall organizational effectiveness.
  • Develop and hone best practices for motivating people and developing the talent pipeline back at work by participating in Group Based Coaching.

3 Day Boot Camp | 9 "Must-Have" Skills for Supervisors and Team Leaders™

Learning Objectives | Sequential Outline: Day 1 of 3 | Day 2 of 3 | Day 3 of 3 | 321 Comparison Brochure (PDF) | Logistics