how to fire an employee gracefully

How to Fire an Employee Gracefully – A Stump the Chump Quiz

How to Fire an Employee Gracefully – Overview

What is it like to truly be graceful? Beyond that, what is it like to know how to fire an employee gracefully?

We believe it is possible to professionally terminate an employee as gracefully as the mallard in our featured image.

We examined 9 do’s and don’ts for firing an employee with less stress and more confidence in a recent post. This Stump the Chump quiz is based upon the tips outlined in that post as well as the related poster (available to download for free).

How to Fire an Employee Gracefully – What to Expect

There are nine questions in this stump the chump quiz about how to fire an employee gracefully.

  • Three are true/false offerings
  • Six are traditional multiple choice questions

After responding to each question, follow the prompt to be directed to the next question. The questions are not all on a single page. At the end of the stump the chump quiz you will see your score and your rank. The score refers to how many correct questions you answered correctly out of nine (e.g. 7/9). The rank refers to your percentage score.

  • Achieving a score of 9/9 translates into a rank of 100%. We consider you to be a savant.
  • Achieving a score of 1/9 translates into a rank of less than 20%. We consider you to be an airhead for this result. (It is all in fun, so don’t be offended.)

How to Fire an Employee Gracefully – Have Some Fun While Learning

As indicated your results will be a reflection of fun. In all likelihood you will also pick up on some comments that are offered with a smile and a trace of sarcasm whether your answers are correct – or not. Yet in the midst of some humor and a casual approach, we trust that you will still pick up the key learning components regarding the 9 do’s and don’ts about how to fire an employee gracefully.
[slickquiz id=3]

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  1. Pingback: Firing an Employee - 9 Do's and Don'ts for Less Stress

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