2 Day Workshop – Day 1 of 2

Management Leadership Training Program – Day 1 of 2: Pre-Test and Case Study

Supervisory Skills Training PRE-TEST:  You’ll discover quickly that we grade a whole lot differently than school. This isn’t about being graded; it’s about learning relevant skills that you will use your entire career.

Supervisory Skills Training CASE STUDY:  “Let them solve the problem.” Transition more fully and powerfully into management by learning how to use this insight to empower your employees. It is a key takeaway from our management leadership training program!

Increase your credibility by following “the arm’s length” rule to overcome the buddy syndrome.

Use the Skills Box to layout your blueprint for which technical skills to leverage right now and which leadership skills to hone for the future. Every skill you sharpen increases your value.

Management Leadership Training Program – Day 1 of 2: Assessment, Live Modeling and Skills Practice

Supervisory Skills Training ASSESSMENT:  Measure how you stack up on each of the 9 “Must-Have” Skills. Use this important tool to strengthen your leadership approach.

Six criteria for formality – apply them to determine when you should be coaching so that you don’t get at odds with HR – or the law! Put an asterisk next to this one in our management leadership training program - it will help you with future decision-making about coaching and disciplining.

Three continuous components of coaching – one should be done ten times more frequently than the other two. Do this one action more to see your results skyrocket.

Supervisory Skills Training LIVE MODELING:  Three common coaching mistakes and six proven practices. Manage all 9 to strengthen your leadership, build greater motivation and impact how work is executed.

Capture seven essentials for motivating people. Are they fully embedded in your leadership thinking every day?

Use the “four buckets” of non-performance to make more effective decisions about how to handle people who just aren’t cutting the mustard.

Supervisory Skills Training SKILLS PRACTICE:  Create a plan of action for that one performer who just chooses not to perform – or the one who can’t. A clear plan reduces your stress and improves productivity for the whole team.


Management Leadership Training Program – Day 1 of 2: Case Study and Assessment

Any skill – including every leadership skill – is comprised of two elements. Learn these two elements and how to measure skill success so that you can develop your people. Building nine essential skills is at the core of our management leadership training program!

Supervisory Skills Training CASE STUDY:  “Wait a minute! The leadership pipeline isn’t a straight shot to the top.” But you can learn to maneuver through it so that you can advance upwards.

Career benefit – learn and leverage three essential lessons about transitioning through the leadership pipeline related to the skills you build, the perspective you develop and how you use time.

Supervisory Skills Training ASSESSMENT: Select and measure one HIPO (high potential) from your pipeline to develop. Build a blueprint that benefits them – and you.

Management Leadership Training Program – Day 1 of 2: Team Exercise and Case Study

Supervisory Skills Training TEAM EXERCISE:  The 80% Rule of Time Usage. Gain valuable leadership insight about using your time differently to fit your role as a team leader.

Motivation Essential #2: Use the job triangle to unearth what each one of your employees really needs to be more engaged at work. Caution: if you ask them, then be ready to deliver upon what you discover.

Engage in difficult conversations with greater confidence by honing your scripting skills.

Supervisory Skills Training CASE STUDY:  “Can I just hire you to come in and say it?” Build your reputation for knowing just what to say when the stakes are high.

The scripting model – manage all three key steps to influence your employees, your boss, your customers, your peers – perhaps even your family members.

Prepare for the really difficult conversations by using one simple tool:  The Behaviors/Characteristics Worksheet. Use it to gain an edge when others seem so talented at delivering excuses.

Management Leadership Training Program – Day 1 of 2: Live Modeling and Skills Practice

Supervisory Skills Training LIVE MODELING:  Seven common games and how to handle them including: “Yes, but…”, “I’ll try…”, and The Crying Game. Winning these games stops manipulative behavior right in its tracks.

Supervisory Skills Training SKILLS PRACTICE:  Dance gracefully in all four corners of the “dialogue box” as well as smack in the middle of it.

2 Day Workshop | 9 "Must-Have" Skills for Supervisors and Team Leaders™

Learning Objectives | Sequential Outline: Day 1 of 2 | Day 2 of 2 | 321 Comparison Brochure (PDF) | Logistics