Learning Approach

Executive Leadership Training Programs: Continuous Learning

Our executive leadership training programs use accelerated learning principles for teaching and engaging adults. Our boot camps, workshops and seminars rely upon interactive exercises, relevant business examples and participant involvement to reinforce application.

The learning we facilitate is tailored to the unique needs of the organization as well as the participants. This tailoring of curriculum is a foundation of all of our executive leadership training programs.

Executive Leadership Training Programs: 9 Formats Increase Value, Fun and Engagement

Supervisory Skills Training ASSESSMENTS are pen and paper questionnaires designed to help participants measure either their own talent or that of the people they lead. In our executive leadership training programs the assessments serve as a baseline for understanding how an individual is currently performing and provides insight on how growth and development can occur. Used in all three executive leadership training programs: 3 Day Boot Camp, 2 Day Workshop and 1 Day Seminar.

Supervisory Skills Training CASE STUDIES are relevant and real experiences, combined with lessons learned, of business leaders although names are sometimes changed to protect confidentiality. Used in all three executive leadership training programs: 3 Day Boot Camp, 2 Day Workshop and 1 Day Seminar.

Supervisory Skills Training DOCUMENTATION PRACTICE goes beyond business writing by focusing exclusively upon documenting employee performance, team leader expectations, workplace standards, etc. Special emphasis is placed upon making sure that the documentation is concise, factual and legally defensible. Used only in 3 Day Boot Camp.

Supervisory Skills Training GROUP BASED COACHING follows a three-part model for creating leadership change: 1) visualizing the future, 2) operationalizing the vision and 3) creating the motivation for change. Small groups of approximately four participants each are established on the first day and then trained to simultaneously challenge and support each other on all three days so that the leader accomplishes incremental change in their own development. In addition, the facilitator provides feedback to individuals and teams in a dynamic fashion as the group based coaching exercises are executed. Used only in 3 Day Boot Camp.

Supervisory Skills Training LIVE MODELING occurs at the front of the room as the facilitator demonstrates, with occasional humor, both good and bad examples of how to handle common and difficult leadership situations. Participant suggestions from past boot camps as well as the day of learning circumstances are used to increase relevancy. Used in all three executive leadership training programs: 3 Day Boot Camp, 2 Day Workshop and 1 Day Seminar.

Supervisory Skills Training PRE-TEST/POST-TESTS measure what participants already know and what they have learned. Each test of knowledge has ten questions consisting of either True/False or multiple choice questions. Used in 3 Day Boot Camp and 2 Day Workshop.

Supervisory Skills Training SKILLS PRACTICE is the polishing of the diamond called talent. It occurs after defining a skill and describing it via example by the facilitator. It is designed as a learning experience to put into immediate practice the leadership skill highlighted in a particular module of the boot camp or workshop. For example, scripting is one of the 9 "Must-Have" Skills for Supervisors and Team Leaders™. After it is introduced in the large group, participants are typically divided into triads (small teams of three) to practice the skill in a comfortable, low-risk environment. Used in all three executive leadership training programs: 3 Day Boot Camp, 2 Day Workshop and 1 Day Seminar.

Supervisory Skills Training TEAM EXERCISES are participant-centered learning opportunities to discuss, brainstorm and answer challenging questions and/or summarized situations queued up by the facilitator. Learning tends to be three dimensional since it draws from the participant's own experiences, the material and the feedback from other participants similarly situated in business. Used in all three executive leadership training programs: 3 Day Boot Camp, 2 Day Workshop and 1 Day Seminar.

Supervisory Skills Training TEAM TRIVIA CONTESTS are fun, information-driven team competitions designed to re-enforce learning in a low-risk fashion. In the 3 Day Boot Camp one contest is held approximately half-way through the three days and one is held at the conclusion of the third day. Modest prizes are awarded to the members of the winning team. Used only in 3 Day Boot Camp.

Executive Leadership Training Programs: Summary of Formats Used in Each of Three Learning Experiences

The 3 Day Boot Camp uses all nine of the formats:

  1. Assessments
  2. Case Studies
  3. Documentation Practice
  4. Group Based Coaching
  5. Live Modeling
  6. Pre-Test/Post-Test
  7. Skills Practice
  8. Team Exercises
  9. Team Trivia Contests

The 2 Day Workshop relies upon six of the nine formats:

  • Assessments
  • Case Studies
  • Live Modeling
  • Pre-Test/Post-Test
  • Skills Practice
  • Team Exercises

The 1 Day Seminar is a fast-paced, broad survey and includes:

  • Assessments
  • Case Studies
  • Live Modeling
  • Skills Practice
  • Team Exercises


9 "Must-Have Skills for Supervisors and Team Leaders™

3 Day Boot Camp | 2 Day Workshop | 1 Day Seminar | 321 Comparison Brochure (PDF) | Logistics