3 Day Boot Camp – Day 3 of 3

Basic Supervisory Skills Training - Day 3 of 3Basic Supervisory Skills Training – Day 3: Team Exercise and Live Modeling

Supervisory Skills Training TEAM EXERCISE:  The two B’s and two P’s of delegation. It will give you a new perspective about where you start when it comes to delegating effectively. Learning how to delegate effectively is a critical learning component of this basic supervisory skills training.

Supervisory Skills Training LIVE MODELING:  “Driven by delegation purpose, here’s what I want. . .” Obtain new, even improved, results by being driven by the purpose not the task.

Basic Supervisory Skills Training – Day 3: Documentation Practice and Group Based Coaching

Supervisory Skills Training DOCUMENTATION PRACTICE:  Structure the delegation of a broad assignment rather than a narrow task. What’s that get you? Better business results and greater talent.

Supervisory Skills Training GROUP BASED COACHING:  How are you going to use delegation as a strategy for talent development?

Breaking the cycle – planning the work rather than doing the work when you are a working supervisor. Break it. It’s better to advance as a leader rather than remaining stuck as someone who is always doing the work. Breaking the cycle is simply an anchor of basic supervisory skills training.

Basic Supervisory Skills Training – Day 3: Case Study and Skills Practice

Supervisory Skills Training CASE STUDY:  “What’s the quality like when it’s better than .007? Use high standards to drive performance.

Six resources for both planning the work and measuring it: Learn which apply to everyone in the department and which are unique to the individual to maximize performance for both the department – and the people in it.

Most people know the SMART formula of goal-setting. Not all leaders manage the two components that derail it. You can.

Supervisory Skills Training SKILLS PRACTICE:  Build or modify two standards that create tension against each other.  See how it builds value for you, your people and your business.

Basic Supervisory Skills Training – Day 3: Team Exercise and Group Based Coaching

Supervisory Skills Training TEAM EXERCISE:  Generational differences in the workplace – can you spot all five?  Engage, and even energize, all five by practicing what you and your peers surface in this thought-provoking exercise.

More than cross-training, let’s call it fulfilling dynamic changing jobs. This contemporary perspective enables you to dynamically respond to business change and challenges.

Four ingredients to the recipe of fulfilling dynamic changing jobs – blend them just right and your business will be better for it. So will your people.

Supervisory Skills Training GROUP BASED COACHING:  What’s happening right now at work where fulfilling dynamic changing jobs must be put into practice? Create a more profitable future with your answers and leadership insight.

Motivation Essential #7:  Working through overwhelming personal problems. You don’t want to breach employee privacy and you must use “head-out-of-the-sand” leadership to motivate everybody on your team. Or everyone – including you – will need help for depression.


Basic Supervisory Skills Training – Day 3: Case Study and Team Exercise

Although listed last, measuring work isn’t a trailing skill. It’s critical in today’s data driven organizations. Learn what you need to do to hone it.

Cut through the data and measure what really matters most by using the Pareto Principle.

Supervisory Skills Training CASE STUDY: “How one physical therapist went from owning one location to being part owner of a high-profile sports team with his measurement tool: The 5/15 Report.” Owning a sports team may not be what is in your future, but leading business teams more successfully certainly is.

Supervisory Skills Training TEAM EXERCISE:  Reconcile what your business historically wanted reported with what you see must now be measured. Create a more profitable future based upon the results you measure.

Basic Supervisory Skills Training – Day 3: Documentation Practice and Assessment

Sharpen your documentation approach to email – 9 tips when you are the sender and 9 tactics when you are the receiver.

Supervisory Skills Training DOCUMENTATION PRACTICE:  Reduce to written form the two standards that create tension against each other.  And put it in writing – what’s the value for you, your people and your business?

Supervisory Skills Training ASSESSMENT:  Measure the 9 skills for yourself – Round 2. Spot the difference between then and now. Then pinpoint the exact gap you are going to improve for your own advancement.

Basic Supervisory Skills Training – Day 3: Team Trivia and Post-Test

Pull the threads through from the first day to the third day – summarize your takeaways for personal change and future development.

Supervisory Skills Training TEAM TRIVIA – FINAL ROUND:  The results may be different but the requirements are the same. Sharpening, honing and polishing your knowledge – that’s the purpose; it’s fine to have fun along the way.

Supervisory Skills Training POST-TEST: Count it as a form of measuring work. You’re measuring what you’ve learned. We guarantee an A.

3 Day Boot Camp | 9 “Must-Have” Skills for Supervisors and Team Leaders™

Learning Objectives | Sequential Outline: Day 1 of 3 | Day 2 of 3 | Day 3 of 3 | 321 Comparison Brochure (PDF) | Logistics