Learning Logistics

Basic Management Training | Logistics - Participants

Each 3 Day Boot Camp and 2 Day Workshop is limited to 19 participants. The 1 Day Seminar has a minimum requirement of 9 participants. Many of our clients are small to medium sized businesses who find this structure ideal. We are happy to entertain discussion about other structures if you are part of larger organization looking to outsource this kind of talent development.

Ideal participants include first-time managers, supervisors and team leaders although any leader who wants to sharpen his or her skills is encouraged to attend our basic management training. Let us know if you want us to tailor this for functional managers and directors or for up-and-coming leaders in your pipeline who may be a team leader in the near future.

Basic Management Training | Logistics – Location

We facilitate the learning at the location of your choice. We need a conference room that comfortably holds up to 19 people for the 3 Day Boot Camp and the 2 Day Workshop. Although most businesses choose to do this on-site, it is certainly possible to facilitate the learning off-site or at a retreat venue if you are doing this basic management training as part of an annual event, team-building experience, etc.

Basic Management Training | Logistics – Timing

The 3 Day Boot Camp typically runs for three consecutive days. We are happy to negotiate costs with you if you want to do something different (e.g. six half days Monday through Saturday, three Fridays in a row, etc.). Similarly, if you want to do something different for either the 2 Day Workshop  or the 1 Day Seminar just let us know. We want to be responsive and flexible to your circumstances and needs.

Each day of basic management training has approximately six hours of learning. We can start, end and handle lunch as it fits your circumstances. A comfortable day may start at 8:30 am with three hours of learning in the morning. A break for lunch may then be scheduled from 11:30 am to 12:30 pm. The afternoon learning could occur from 12:30 to 4:00 pm. In the past we have also tightened the schedule up with a shorter, working lunch.

Basic Management Training | Logistics – Process

We provide each participant with a program book (workbook), supplemental handouts and a certificate at the conclusion of the learning experience. We facilitate the learning by using the formats described under Learning Approach. We comfortably switch between using a PowerPoint® presentation, outlining things on a whiteboard or flipchart, and facilitating an interactive, fun dialogue from the front of the room. Nothing in our business training, our material or on our website is to be used or construed as legal advice. We emphasize building leadership skills for supervisors and team leaders.

Basic Management Training | Logistics – Purpose

Leadership talent development.

9 “Must-Have” Skills for Supervisors and Team Leaders™

Learning Approach | 3 Day Boot Camp | 2 Day Workshop | 1 Day Seminar | 321 Comparison Brochure (PDF)