teamleader supervisor onboarding new-leader first-time-leader

5 – Pooch (Bobbie)

Pooch had been Bobbie’s dog for 14 years. She remembered holding Pooch in the palm of her hand when the puppy was first born; Bobbie was herself 14 at the time. Pooch was a Shorkie. Pooch’s mom was a Shih Tzu and her dad was a Yorkshire Terrier, a Yorkie. Bobbie knew that her own life stretched out ahead of her. Pooch, on the other hand, was in her twilight years. She accepted the cycle of life but felt a pang of emotion thinking about her new employer, Wheeler’s and her older Shorkie, Pooch.

As 8:00 pm approached she thought about her guild. It was nearly time to get online with her team – a winning team she might add. Her online team prided themselves on not tolerating mediocrity. They were collaborative, and competitive. Her guild experience, and for that matter her previous work experience, were much different from what she had observed today at the car rental agency. She had some doubts about returning to work there tomorrow, but she hated the process of looking for a job. She contemplated what would happen if her guild built an online job board for gamers with her skill level.

She lost herself in the gaming. Her motivation behind the keyboard was always high. And even when she experienced the occasional losing streak she didn’t let it get her down. She got right back into it and knew that she had the moxie to come out on top. By 11:30 pm she was on top.

Pooch needed out again and she obliged the needs of her deaf dog. She didn’t know exactly when Pooch became deaf. She just knew that when the Shorkie was out in the back yard she couldn’t hear Bobbie calling her and urging her to come back in. Her night vision seemed fine though.

Bobbie’s husband worked the second shift. He was a much more serious, even addicted, gamer than she was. They shared a three bedroom, split level home with Pooch and a cat, Gizmo. Their downstairs living room used to be called a “family” room in the 20th century. For them it was just the game room, or entertainment room. There were times when her husband, Cody, claimed it as his “man cave” though.  

Cody had his game station set up in one corner. It consisted of a powerful CPU and three large monitors plus a sophisticated, internally lit keyboard and mouse. His L shaped desk, comfortably arranged in the corner, was paired with a high-end desk chair so he was comfortable for the many hours he played. Although a bit expensive, they had the fastest possible internet service available for home use.

Bobbie’s L-shaped desk was along the same primary wall as Cody’s. Between the right edge of Cody’s desk and the left edge of Bobbie’s desk was a desk-high entertainment unit which held a variety of video games and cartridges. She only had a two monitor gaming system. Their two desk arrangement took up most of the room and created a giant U-shape. On the wall, and above their entertainment shelving, was a giant screen TV. It was perfect for watching football and baseball, sometimes a military show.

The open end of her L-shaped desk abutted against another desk that was for the guest player; that set-up only featured a two-monitor gaming station like Bobbie’s. Behind the U-shape, and on the opposite wall was a comfortable sofa with pop-out recliners for watching the big screen. Above the sofa were shelves filled with pop culture figurines, Funko Pops.

After a bite to eat with hubby, Pooch sat in front of Bobbie and began a quiet whine. She wasn’t begging for food. She was telling Bobbie it was time to go to bed. Pooch had her established bedtime and expected Bobbie to go with her at the same time. Pooch shared the King-sized bed with Bobbie since Cody would be up most of the night. Bobbie reflected on the two dimensions of her day as she cuddled up with Pooch – one part pretty dysfunctional, Wheeler’s Rental Car and one part deliciously competitive, her online gaming guild.

For Discussion or Reflection

Consider a two-column comparison list between the dysfunction of Wheeler’s and the esprit de corps of Bobbie’s gaming guild. What characteristics would be on each list?

Bobbie had some doubts about returning to work at Wheeler’s but “hated the process of looking for a job.” How does this reflect upon the motivation to work at Wheeler’s?

Why was Bobbie’s motivation so high when she was in gamer mode?

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Photo by Jordi Vich Navarro on Unsplash

Posted in Bobbie.